fem-fenics provides a couple of utilities for assembling matrices and vectors, which compose the algebraic system weak formulations are reduced to when applying FEMs. Left aside all the checks needed to verify inputs, their job boils down to creating proper DOLFIN objects to store these matrices or vectors, possibly applying boundary conditions, then building an Octave-friendly representation. This last task is quite critical for the implementation of the MPI parallelisation, as the underlying DOLFIN representation of matrices and vectors is transparently distributed among processes, thus making the serial code used to pass them on to Octave useless. Lately I implemented some new classes to manage this aspect, so I will highlight my design considerations.
The translation from DOLFIN's to Octave's data structures is logically a well defined task, whilst its implementation needs to vary according to its serial or parallel execution. Furthermore, it strictly depends on the linear algebra back-end used, for each of them stores a different representation and exposes a different interface to access it. To address these difficulties, I wrote a hierarchy of factories to provide the adequate methods, based on the run-time necessities. Moreover, this way the code is easily expandable to allow for more back-ends to be used in fem-fenics (currently only uBLAS is available). There is an abstract class, to declare the interface of its derived ones, and a concrete factory implementing the uBLAS-specific methods.
Since in a future fem-fenics there will be several algebraic back-ends available for use, the hierarchy will expand. This means that the checks of the run-time configuration will eventually become more complex. Another issue comes from the need to use different types depending on information available only at run-time. Both to encapsulate those checks, avoiding code duplication, and to solve the problem of choosing the right class, I added to the hierarchy a class implementing the Pimpl idiom. With this design, the "user code" in the C++ implementation of assemble.oct and assemble_system.oct needs just to create a femfenics_factory object and use it to extract the data structures of interest, while every other hassle is dealt with behind the scenes by this class.
UML diagram of the new hierarchy |
In the diagram above you can see the already implemented classes and an example class to point out where others will collocate amongst them. femfenics_factory has private methods to check which is the right concrete class to use each time, and implements the public methods of the abstract class dispatching the call through a reference. uBLAS_factory, as other concrete classes are expected to do, holds the real code for creating Octave matrices and vectors and exposes a static method, instance, which allows for access to the singleton object of this type. femfenics_factory, in turn, obtains with it the reference needed for dispatching.
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